Vasa was a Swedish warship that took almost three years to build. This retired warship was built from 1926 to 1928. But even these many years that were used up in its building were also not able to avoid the inevitable.
After the very first and only voyage that lasted for about 1300 meter on 10th August 1628, the vessel foundered. But it became insignificant when most of its bronze cannons were salvaged in the 17th century. Even after 333 years when it foundered it was in a very good position when it was found submerged.
The Galleon San Jose
San Jose was a 3-masted galleon in the Spanish navy that was designed by Francisco Antonio Garrote and built by Pedro de Aróstegui. The construction started in 1697 at a shipyard at Usurbil, Spain and ended in the year 1698.
The Treasure
But this vessel did not make its name for its position as much as it made after it sank. The vessel was launched in 1698 and after serving for almost 10 years, in the year 1708 it sank in the battle off the coast of Cartagena, Columbia and was filled with several treasures. In November 2015 the ship was located by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution(WHOI).
The Antikythera Mechanism
When an amateur diver found at the bottom of a sea an artifact he thought that it might have been some kind of normal artifact but that diver us in this for a surprise of his life. When he found out what it was he was left shocked.
What Is That?
The diver found out that he had discovered a 2000-year-old Greek mechanism that belonged to the Antikythera shipwreck and that was supposed to be a compass of some sort. But no one is sure as to what it is and the experts are studying it still.