Waiting For The Results

Almost three weeks had passed since Michele sent her sample to the company. Every day since then has been nerve-wracking. She didn’t know what to expect. It might be that she is just being paranoid and there is no match for her DNA. But if there is one, she didn’t know what she will do then. She doesn’t know how to feel about it yet.
A Match

The results of the DNA test had detected someone with a full DNA match! This means they are her immediate family, which just confirmed that she had a twin. The account of her twin was managed by a young man in California named Kyle Kanter. Michele thought if she wants to maintain any contact with her twin then this is the only way to do so.
Making Contact

Michele knew having come so far, she can’t back down now. Not when she knows she has a twin sister. She has to talk to her, let her know she exists. So Michele sent a message to Kyle Kanter, telling him everything in brief paragraphs. She asked him to write back to her so that they could talk.
Getting A Response

Michele got a response from Kyle and he told her she matched with his mother! Her name is Allison Kanter. And she is her twin. He matched their birth certificate numbers and it proved that they were born to the same mother at the same time all those years ago. But they were adopted by different families, who were completely unaware of the existence of the other child.

Michele and Allison were born on 12th May 1964. Michele was adopted on October 14th when she was only 5 months old. And Allison was adopted just two days after that by a family from California. While Michele stayed in New York with her family, Allison flew all the way across the country and started a life in California. They lived more than 50 years completely unaware of each other’s existence.

Michele went on Facebook and searched for Allison Kanter. When she saw her photograph, Michele could see herself in her face. She couldn’t believe this person existed, her twin. They shared the same womb and now decades later they finally come to know the truth. She couldn’t help but feel sad about the time they lost.