
The families who adopted the triplets had no idea that their kid had a sibling. So three separate families adopted the three of them and went on to live their lives in different parts of the world. However, when fate brought them to the same college, the three identical strangers met each other and came to know the truth.
An Experiment

The triplets were separated because they were a part of an experiment conducted by the late psychologist Dr. Peter Neubauer. He wanted to study how different lifestyles, locations, and other important life factors affect the same DNA. Michele’s heart began to race as she read the name of the adoption agency where the triplets were adopted from.
Birth Year

The adoption agency was called, “Louise Wise Services” located in New York. It was the same agency she had been adopted from. Moreover, her birth year and the triplets’ birth year were very close to each other. Michele did not believe in coincidences. She knew there has to be some connection, she read the letter and this article in the same week.
More Experiments

Michele knew it is highly unlikely the psychologist conducted his experiment on just one set of siblings. There has to be more, and since her birth year was so close to the triplets, she began to wonder if she had been separated at birth as well? Michele knew she can’t ponder on this thought anymore, she needs answers.
Changing Her Mind

Michele’s decision to not look into her adoption changed swiftly when she read the article. She has to know if she was also a part of the experiment. What if she had a sibling too? But they never had the chance to even meet or be aware of each other’s existence. Michele knew there is only one way to find out the truth. She decided to contact the journalist who wrote this story and take her help.
DNA Test

The journalist told her the best way to find out the truth will be through a DNA test. If they find an exact match then that means she has a twin out there in the world. For the process to work, Michele had to send a sample of her saliva to the company. And within a few weeks, they will send her the results which can show her everything she needs to know.