Unique Characteristics

According to Exzabe, the petroglyphs found in Waianae are not only unique but special as theyre located on the shoreline and also these figures are carved out on the rock. These petroglyphs weren’t like other figures where they have figures related to animals or birds but here these figures were of hands and figures which are not found anywhere at Hawaiis archeological sites.

Other Unique Characteristics

Other petroglyphs around Hawaii are just foot tall, but these new figures discovered by two men from Texas are more than five feet tall. Now, it was all up to archeologists to decipher the secret behind these 400-year -old carvings. Unfortunately, there were other problems too which archeologists had to face.

The Importance Of Preservation

It’s very important to tell the authorities about such discoveries and more importantly one should not damage them at any cost. We never know how delicate these discoveries could be as they are very old. You should avoid touching them and try to preserve them. And in case of petroglyphs, they can easily be damaged when you touch them as the upper part could wear off just like that.

Announcing The Discovery

Aware of this problem, Exzabe said during the television interview that it’s very important that the local authorities preserve the area and until the area isn’t protected no human should be allowed. If we don’t keep these measures than the tourists will enter the site and probably would ignore the rules and regulations which as a result could destroy them.

The Preservation In The Future

If you think there are no other problems except the human interference than you are wrong. The U.S Army can handle human, but what they can’t handle was the forces of nature. When Mike and Lonnie spotted the carvings which were covered with water from the sea, they didn’t know that in a few days the carvings would just disappear once again.

The Disappearance

So, the carvings disappeared again beneath the sand confusing every expert on the site. A day before yesterday the carvings were right there in front of them and now they were all gone. And the main problem was that nobody knew when they are gonna spot the carvings again. The investigation came to a halt. Too many questions were left unanswered.