Female To Female
The girl kept on waiting for quite some time and she started to get more and more anxious, but no one showed up. Arora was observing everything very carefully. He called his wife and asked the girl to speak to her. The girl was hesitant to take the phone and talk but Arora was able to convince her to talk and she finally agreed.
Scared At First
The poor little girl was very scared but she somehow mustered the courage to take the phone and talk to Arora’s wife. But the main problem that crossed Arora’s mind was whether she would open about what was wrong to his wife? And will that phone call help him in saving that lost little soul?
Same Questions
Although the girl was terrified about the fact that she had to talk to a stranger and that too the wife of a guy who kept on asking her multiple questions during the ride.
“Hello?” said the girl. Arora watched the whole conversation as his wife kept asking the same questions he was asking moments ago.
‘The Question’
Then came the biggest question that the couple had been trying to figure out. “Do your parents know where you’re going?” asked Arora’s wife. Although the girl did not answer at once, Arora’s wife was getting to the bottom of the truth. She wanted the girl to muster courage and speak it out loud.
Was the girl facing some trouble? Can the couple help her?
Tension All-Around

The couple was quite worried as to what was going but they did not let the girl feel the anxiety that was clouding the atmosphere. Arora’s wife gently called out the girl out for not telling the truth to them. She explained that the couple had her best interest in their minds. And the thing is she was right, some motherly figure was what she needed to open up.
Looking For Help
The schoolgirl, although nervous, revealed that she hadn’t told her parents about her trip. She also told Arora’s wife that she was anxious about the situation she was getting herself into. Because she was a minor, the couple did not think twice about immediately seeking help from the police.