More Lies

When Arora started to ask whether her parents knew about the trip, she started getting defensive and said that her parents were fully aware that she was going to meet a friend. Arora nodded but was not convinced that she was telling the truth. Arora was pretty sure that she was hiding some sort of secret.
Defensive Mode
As the driver’s questions started increasing the girl started to get more and more defensive. However, the driver was not ready to give up until he got the answers that he was looking for.
What was the information that the driver was seeking to keep her safe? Moreover, why was he interested in finding out who she was meeting or where were they going?
Something Was Wrong
Arora always knew that it was not right on his part to ask for any information from his passengers and that too personal information was totally against his work ethics. But he had a feeling that things weren’t right and he had to keep his work ethics aside to know what was going on. But he wasn’t sure as to what or why the things were seeming pretty weird.
Wrong Vibes
Arora knew from the very first moment that the thing she told him about his parents knowing about the trip was a lie. And when the girl stopped answering any of his questions and stopped giving him any pieces of information he started having a bad feeling about the whole situation. But he also had a feeling that he even though his intentions were good, he might have scared off the kid.
A Friend
As the cab was nearing the drop location, the driver started to get more and more worried and frightened. He did not want to let that kid out of his cab because he feared for her safety. He was frightened that something bad might happen to that girl. After battling with all of these thoughts on his minds he got frustrated and had no clue as to what he should do.
Ran Away
As soon as the cab arrived at Gloucester Railway Station, the lady passenger started to looking for someone. Arora asked, “Who are you waiting for?”. She simply answered that she was waiting for “a friend,”. And after that, she grabbed her backpack quickly and rushed away from the cab.