Not Ordinary
He had no idea at that time that the paper he had picked up was not ordinary ones. He was going to find that out once he reaches the home. The snowfall was going to begin very soon and before that, he had to reach home.
Lighting The Fire
It was freezing cold outside and the only way for them to fight the chilly wind was to light chimney in order to keep themselves warm. He unfolded the newspapers in order to throw them into the woodstove.
Odd One Out
He sifted through the newspaper and began burning them piece by piece until his hand touched something odd. He looked down only to see a gleaming and black object. The light was brighter than gold. He took it out only to learn that it was a record.
Embedded Record
Due to persistent poverty, Scotty never had any record with him. However, his parents did own an AM/FM turntable that could come to use in playing them. He wondered what could be in the record. The newspapers were very old and unused.
Playing It
The boy finally had a record of his own. It was after so many days he was feeling so happy. But what was inside it? An old song or something else? He decided to play it. What came out of it shook him from the inside.
Strange Music
He rushed to the turntable and placed the vinyl on top of it and then dropped down the needle. It was working fine. It played a song. The boy knew this song. He had heard it somewhere before but could not exactly remember where? His eyes widened with surprise when the tune ended trailed by a man’s voice.