Paul Salsman
The starnger and odd looking man was Paul Salsman, who was a 21-year-old guy. He had already attempted to steal cars in that area and have miserably failed to do so in his last three attempts. Every time he manged to escape, but this time he was caught.
Brave One
The officers called Maddie to know how did she manage to fool such a strong man, the little girl said, “All I knew was that, he is a pyschopath and he needs to get out of the car”. She recalls that she was totally clueless initially but also knew that she has to get the man out.
Held Guilty
Paul was held guilty for his acts. He was chrged under carjacking, a hit and run case and for driving under the influence of drugs. The authorities also appreciated the little Maddie for her immense courage and bravery. Though the girl showcased a brave side, she suffered from some injuries in the course.
Broken Bone
Maddie while attacking Paul, unknowingly broke a growth plate in her bone. The bone is a sensitive one and needs time to heal. Despite being in pain the girl’s courage was not harmed and she managed to save her sister’s life.
A Question
One question that ran through everyone’s mind was how did a girl only twelve i age managed to catch hold of a man who was quite big in size. And when asked the same from her, Maddie had the simplest yet a very logical reason. A reason that had roots to her hobby.
Horseback Rider
Maddie was a horseback rider. She had always loved riding them. She says that when she could control her ride when being on a 1500 pound weighing animal, sh knew Salsman was nothing in front of it. Bravo Girl!