Poor Soul
Mollie held Maddie’s hand tight. The little girl was scared to wits. She began sobbing of fear. She looked at Maddie and mumbled, “Mom”. Maddie too was frightened. The man had his hands over the steering wheel. Maddie knew she needs to do something to save her younger sister and herself from the unknown.
Keeping Her Calm
Seeing Mollie panicking this bad, Maddie knew that she would have to maintain her calm in order to stay strong for her sister. She took a deep breathe and help Mollie’s hand tightly. Just then the elder one of the duo recalled what they have been taught to do in a crisis like that.
Bravery In Veins
Mollie and Maddie belonged to the family of brave men. They were brought up by policemen and firefighters. The members of their family had seen all such obstacles in life and have even taught their daughters how to brave them. Bravery ran through their veins. And just then she knew what is to be done.
Distract And Win
One thing that Maddie knew was that she needed to distract the stranger from driving away the car. She immediately began to bite the man on his arm and she somewhere succeeded in diverting his attention from the steering wheel. Seeing her even Mollie followed her.
Punch Him
When the girls realized that this was not helping them much, Maddie undo her seat belt and began punching him. But unfortunately, the man was so huge inbuilt that the little girl’s effort went in vain. However, the little Mollie continued to irritate the stranger and in the meantime Maddie’s brain took over.
The Safety Feature
Maddie recalled that there is a special safety feature in their vehicle. If the car was slided into the driving gear it wouldn’t even let the engine start. She was sure that the weird looking man had no clues to it and she did the much needed. However, she had never expected that happened next.