
Isn’t it necessary to be alive to swallow pills? Or have any of you heard of a dead person swallowing pills? Even if someone is about to die, why would he/she take medicine? That too three hours before “ded”?

Before The iPhone

Celery phones were in trend way before iPhones. Also, these celery phones were nowhere close to the smartphones that we use nowadays. Anyway, nobody keeps one these days. So, according to this notice, you can take your smartphone with you but not an obsolete model of phone.

For Real Tea Drinkers

People who are in a habit of drinking tea find their day incomplete without a cup of perfect tea. However, some people might prefer to starve over drinking “sweat” tea. We are happy without sugar as that will taste just like life; dull.

Before Living

Tadaaa! Till now the errors questioned our existence but now this company’s staff is questioning our living. Never knew the only thing we need to do before “living is washing our hands! Let’s just “leave” it.

Really Mind This Step

We can’t make fun of this one as neglecting board signs like this can prove to be dangerous while reading it might kill you anyway. “Mined the step” is a warning to “Mind the step”. No there’s no freshly dug mine on the staircase,

Romantic Moment

Scented candles can work as relaxing agents. Suppose after a long day at work, while taking water bath you get to light the “Pukin” flavored candles. Don’t DO it!  As it is more like a Puke-In than Pumpkin.