Hire A Professional

Hire a Professional

Yes, it is less of notice and more of a warning. It’s all about hiring professionals and more. We would like to make it clear that we don’t have any part in this notice. (just to keep ourselves out of this category)

Getting It Right

This is just so wow! We can still understand Christmas cards but wedding cards too? Especially the spelling of the word sweet. What is the matter with people? And it’s not one person’s mistake but two. And they are soon going to tie the knot. Just a tip to the newlyweds: Do it quickly and stay in your little world for God’s sake. 

Not This School

A school paid more than anyone else to get an advertisement for their brand on the front page of the newspaper. To bring more and more students. However, no intelligent parents will send their kids to a school where the staff doesn’t even know the difference between opportunities and “opportunity’s”

Do It Yourself

To everyone out there: “in today’s modern world, there exists an application named Grammarly, use it!” Please use it! This is what happens when people just can’t resist correcting others’ mistakes.

Twilight Zone

We’ve heard of the friend zone, but “shcool” zone? What does that even stand for? Ohh ohhh! They meant SCHOOL! You know, we are so confused now that we can hardly differentiate between *write* and wrong.


Would you yourself like to stay fit or will your mailbox be your first priority? Before that, do you even know about your mailbox’s gender? Well, is the mail a he or a she? The world wants an answer now!